Hot chamber


Hot chamber die casting machines from 50 up to 320 tons for zink and magnesium die casting.

A design that arises from the encounter between speed and constancy of production

Each PFZ Series die casting machine is designed and built to be fully digital and is completed by a memory to save dies parameters (Control System). The control of the data, their recording and saving allow to repeat the optimal pressure, speed and stroke parameters for each single die, displaying the injection curves for each casting (Fullcoltrol).

The closing unit is inclined to favor, after injection, the reflux of the liquid metal towards the metal bath. The detachment of the nozzle from the die occurs before opening, to ensure the breaking of the end part of the slug in the most suitable position.

The standard machine is equipped with 2 injection positions. The automatic system allows you to hydraulically lift the entire closing unit to use the machine in the desired position. The two-phase injection is divided into a first “under pump” phase and a second fast “under accumulator” phase.

The injection position reading system is contactless and uses transducers without sliding contacts, avoiding wear due to typical and continuous contacts.


Thanks to more than fifty years of experience in the sector, Colosio specializes in the production of die casting machines for light alloys. The Colosio range of hot chamber machines – specific for the die casting of zink and magnesium – ranges from 50 up to 320 tons of clamping force.

U.M.PFZ 50PFZ 90PFZ 140PFZ 200PFZ 250PFZ 320
U.M.PFZ 50PFZ 90PFZ 140PFZ 200PFZ 250PFZ 320
Locking forcekN5698831373196224533139
Max injection forcekN486688101127157
Ejection forcekN4050121121170170
Min die heightmm120100100200200200
Max die heightmm350420400500550700
Moving platen strokemm230275415460480500
Ejection strokemm707090100110120
Platens dimensionsmm465 x 465545 x 545635 x 635700 x 700800 x 800880 x 880
Distance between tie-barsmm301350400450500560
Tie-bars diametermm55657590110110
Max shot weight (Zn)kg1,62,543,524,045,365,99
Max projected area (160 kg/cm²)cm²362,5562,587512501562,52000
Casting cycles (empty)N°/1’201815141210
Machine weightkg540057107680118001380017000
Furnace weightkg7008501050110014001600
Overall dimensions (Width - Length - Height)mm1648 x 3850 x 21501761 x 4100 x 24152134 x 4320 x 23822166 x 4595 x 25962287 x 5100 x 26162327 x 5377 x 2661


The Green Line system

In addition to the high technical and production performance at Colosio, we aim to reduce the operating costs and environmental impact of our die-casting machinery as much as possible. This is why we have designed and implemented the system to ensure maximum energy savings.

The aluminum, brass and magnesium die casting machines are available with the innovative GREEN LINE system, a new reference model of energy saving system for cold chamber machines.


How can we help you?

Our team is at your disposal. Fill in the form for more information about our machines and services.
