Information pursuant to Art. 13 GDPR – Candidates
- Data Controller
Colosio Presse S.r.l., in its capacity of Data Controller, (hereinafter referred to as “Colosio Presse”) wishes to inform you that the EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter referred to as GDPR) and, insofar as still applicable, the Legislative Decree 196/03, hereinafter referred to as Privacy Law, regulate the protection of personal data in the framework of the processing activities of the same.
Colosio Presse imprints the processing of personal data on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and necessity, thus protecting your rights.
To this end, and in accordance with the aforementioned legislation, we provide you with the following information.
2. Object of the processing
The processing that we intend to carry out has as object your personal data, as defined by the Privacy Code and the GDPR, that you will provide or have provided to us through the registration to our web site ( in the section “Work with us”, or during the interview held with the Human Resources office of Colosio Presse S.r.l. The personal data we process, typically contained in a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.), are defined by law as common personal data. Other types of data (e.g. health-related, judicial, biometric data) will be processed in accordance with legal requirements. In particular: any data relating to health and judicial data may be processed to fulfil obligations and tasks provided for by law solely for the purposes described below.
- Purposes of the Processing
The processing of your data has the following purposes:
a) establishment, management and termination of the contractual and training relationship;
b) use of specific permits, absences and benefits related to the management of the employment relationship
c) fulfilment of legal obligations
d) legitimate exercise and protection of a right, faculty or interest.
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in point 3 is optional. Failure to provide the data, however, will make it impossible for the Company to carry out the aforementioned activities. The candidate is requested to give his/her consent for the processing.
- Modalities of processing
Data processing will be carried out by means of the following operations: collection, recording, organisation, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data.
Your data will be subject to both paper and electronic and/or automated processing.
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Your data will be kept from the time of their receipt/updating for a period of time that is congruous with respect to the purposes of the processing indicated in point 3 and in any case no longer than 24 months from the time of their collection.
- Communication and transfer of data
For the purposes of point 3, your data may be communicated to third parties, including consultants and freelance professionals, public bodies, auditing or supervisory bodies, in order to fulfil obligations arising from the law, regulations, EU legislation or for aspects concerning the management and execution of any future legal relations or for the legitimate exercise and protection of a right, faculty or interest.
Your data will be processed by the following entities:
➢ Employees of the Companies who act as persons authorised to process the data according to the tasks performed and adequately instructed.
➢ External Processors pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR.
The list of External Data Processors for the processing of personal data is available at the registered office of Colosio Presse S.r.l.
For all the purposes indicated in this information notice, your data may also be communicated abroad, inside and outside the European Union, in compliance with the rights and guarantees provided for by the regulations in force, subject to verification that the country in question guarantees an “adequate” level of protection in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.
- Diritti dell’interessato
Si precisa che nella Sua qualità di interessato, in qualsiasi momento Lei potrà chiedere:
a) l’accesso ai Suoi dati personali ai sensi dell’art. 15 GDPR;
b) la loro rettifica in caso di inesattezza ai sensi dell’art. 16 GDPR;
c) la cancellazione dei dati a Lei riferibili ai sensi dell’art. 17 GDPR;
d) la limitazione del trattamento ai sensi dell’art. 18 GDPR;
e) il diritto di opposizione al trattamento dei Suoi dati ove ricorrano i presupposti ai sensi dell’art. 21 GDPR;
d) il diritto alla portabilità dei dati, ossia di ricevere in un formato strutturato di uso comune e leggibile da dispositivo automatico, i dati personali forniti ai sensi dell’art. 20 GDPR.
Per quanto non espressamente previsto dalle disposizioni quivi richiamate si rimanda integralmente alla normativa in vigore in tema Privacy.
Inoltre, l’interessato potrà proporre reclamo alla competente autorità di controllo (art. 77 GDPR).
Per ulteriori delucidazioni circa la presente informativa o su qualsiasi tematica privacy, o nel caso in cui desideri esercitare i Suoi diritti, potrà rivolgersi a: